한국에서 단어 줄여서 말 자주 해요.
In Korea, we usually shorten words.
Korean slang small tip 1
1. honeymoon
신혼여행 - 신행
*not all people shorten this but the age people usually get married usually shorten this word
2. hurt in my mind
마음의 상처 - 마상
* It is almost brand new word that many people don't know what that means yet. Teenagers use this word a lot though..
3. graduation exam
졸업시험 - 졸시
* My dad use this word too. I think people will understand when you are talking about academic things.
Korean slang small tip #2
1. Internet lecture
인터넷 강의 -> 인강
2. Bus card (transportation card)
버스카드 -> 버카 [뻐카]
* usually teenagers and young people use this
3. Bus station
버스 정류장 -> 버정 [뻐정]
* usually teenagers and young people use this
Korean slang small tip #3
1. Elementary school student (8-13 Korean age)
초등학생 -> 초딩
2. Middle school student (14-16 Korean age)
중학생 -> 중딩
3. High school (17-19 Korean age)
고등학생 -> 고딩
Korean slang small tip #4
1. a foreign worker
외국인 노동자 -> 외노자
2. teacher
선생님 -> 쌤
3. brunch
아침 겸 점심 -> 아점
In Korea, we usually shorten words.
Korean slang small tip 1
1. honeymoon
신혼여행 - 신행
*not all people shorten this but the age people usually get married usually shorten this word
2. hurt in my mind
마음의 상처 - 마상
* It is almost brand new word that many people don't know what that means yet. Teenagers use this word a lot though..
3. graduation exam
졸업시험 - 졸시
* My dad use this word too. I think people will understand when you are talking about academic things.
Korean slang small tip #2
1. Internet lecture
인터넷 강의 -> 인강
2. Bus card (transportation card)
버스카드 -> 버카 [뻐카]
* usually teenagers and young people use this
3. Bus station
버스 정류장 -> 버정 [뻐정]
* usually teenagers and young people use this
Korean slang small tip #3
1. Elementary school student (8-13 Korean age)
초등학생 -> 초딩
2. Middle school student (14-16 Korean age)
중학생 -> 중딩
3. High school (17-19 Korean age)
고등학생 -> 고딩
Korean slang small tip #4
1. a foreign worker
외국인 노동자 -> 외노자
2. teacher
선생님 -> 쌤
3. brunch
아침 겸 점심 -> 아점
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